Jewellery Care Guide

General Care

In caring for your jewelery, it’s important to understand the vulnerabilities of precious metals and stones, and apply these to your lifestyle. To carefully maintain your precious piece, we recommend avoiding exposure to any impact, pressure or extreme temperatures. Metal, natural gemstones and even diamonds can crack or chip upon impact with the wrong object. Chemicals and some household substances can weaken metal or damage natural gemstones, even if not immediately apparent.

The most important factor in caring for your jewellery, is understanding appropriate wear. While we only carry high quality jewellery and state it is waterproof, properly caring for it to make it last. As much as we want you to love and enjoy wearing your jewellery, its important to remove your jewellery when:

  • Showering or swimming
  • Sleeping
  • Applying cosmetic products or perfumes
  • Exercising, especially at the gym. Keep it safe and take it off.
  • Doing any hands on work, where your jewellery is exposed to chemicals or force.

Adhering to these guidelines will assist in maximising the longevity of your piece.

Damage to jewellery can happen due to normal wear and tear or if one is not careful with the jewellery item, remember jewellery is delicate.

How to Care for Gold Filled Jewellery

Caring for gold filled jewellery is relatively easy. You need to be aware of what may cause it toand give it a good clean when necessary. Gold filled jewellery is far more durable than gold plated jewellery, but it will age at different rates depending on how you treat it.

Everyday maintenance of Gold Filled jewellery

  • Take off your gold filled jewellery at night, and before you pop it on your bedside table give it it a gentle rub with an absorbent soft cotton cloth.
  • If you've been to the gym or at the beach then rinse your gold filled jewellery in lukewarm water and then dry it with the same absorbent soft cloth.

What causes Gold Filled jewellery to tarnish?

  • Swimming pools and hot tubs...The chemicals used are harsh and will damage your gold filled jewellery. If you wear it accidentally clean it thoroughly as soon as possible, see below!
  • Working out... getting sweaty at the gym is not advised whilst wearing your jewellery; take it off! 
  • Cosmetics, cosmetics remover and sun lotion... Put your jewellery on last and take it off first. If you have a day at the beach and your jewellery ends up covered in sunscreen then give it a good scrub as soon as possible! 

How to do a deep clean of Gold Filled & Silver Jewellery

  • We highly recommend using our Deja Vu Ultrasonic Cleaning Capsule, the perfect, chemical-free deep cleaning for all your fine jewelry, and even glasses, cosmetic brushes, and small personal items. A one-time buy to keep your jewelry properly cared for and cleaned, using ultrasonic technology and water--that's it!


  • Fill a large bowl with warm water. As warm as is comfortable to keep you hands in is about right. Use a large serving bowl so it doesn't cool too quickly. 
  • Mix a teaspoon of dish soap into the warm water thoroughly, or if you prefer a more natural option, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda/bicarb soda) and vinegar is perfect.
  • Pop your jewellery into the bowl and leave it to soak for 3 minutes.
  • Lift it out and place onto a soft towel, don't rinse yet!
  • Use a super soft toothbrush, and work your way gently across/along your gold filled jewellery making sure the bristles get into every nook and cranny.
  • Rinse under a running tap of warm water. Use about as hot as you can handle; it will help your jewellery dry quickly.
  • Place the jewellery back on your towel and use a soft cotton cloth the dry and throughly as possible. 
  • Leave overnight between two dry cotton cloths to dry perfectly. 

How to store Gold Filled Jewellery

First give it a clean and dry throughly, see instructions above! Then the key is to store your gold filled jewellery somewhere airtight, small tupperwares are perfect! Pop them in a small plastic bag first to stop tangles and then keep somewhere dry.